11am-4pm Monday, Thursday, Friday
You’re warmly invited to attend our Sunday services in church or online, where you’ll hear music, hymn singing, scriptural readings, prayers, and a sermon. The sermon follows the weekly Bible lesson from our Pastor: the King James Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. The same subject is read each Sunday at Christian Science services throughout the world.
Our testimony meetings are a midweek oasis of calm, inspiration, and an opportunity for healing where you can hear uplifting readings prepared especially for the congregation and testimonies of healing are shared. Testimonies can be given in the Church or online via Zoom. Testifiers are welcome to submit their testimonies via the clerk to be read out on their behalf by a member of the church.
The first lessons taught in Sunday school centre on:
The Lord’s Prayer – The Beatitudes – The Ten Commandments – and traditional Bible stories from the New and Old Testaments of Noah – Daniel in the Lions den – Ruth and many more.
While adults attend the Sunday service children and young people up to the age of 20 are taught how to apply what they are learning in Sunday school in their daily lives
For more information, please contact our friendly Sunday School superintendent at sundayschool@poolechristianscience.com
Babies and children too young for Sunday school are cared for in the nursery. We require all our Sunday School and nursery teachers to hold current DBS certificates.
Reading Room: a place where lives can be changed. Similar to a library or bookshop, a reading room offers a place to read, pray, and feel inspired.
Our local Reading Room in Ashley Cross is open to all to visit or make enquiries by phone or email. It is staffed by a friendly team of volunteers who lovingly welcome all visitors. It offers a place where you can ask questions and find inspiration and healing. It also provides a sanctuary for prayer and study of the Bible and Christian Science literature. We have a study area, and stock the full range of magazines and books on Christian Science which can be read, borrowed, or purchased.
There has been a Christian Science church in the Ashley Cross area of Poole since December 1929, when 12 Christian Scientists banded together and founded a Society.
A building known locally as The Old Post Office, which was in a dilapidated condition and had been empty for eighteen months, was adapted for use at a cost of approximately £250.00, with the first service being held on Sunday 2nd February, 1930.
A Sunday School was also started, and on the second Sunday 27 pupils attended. Testimony meetings were held, as they are today, on every Wednesday, as healing and gratitude form the basis of Christian Science.
Very soon the accommodation proved inadequate for the growing membership. A building known as Parkstone Hall, a former roller-skating rink in Church Road with a capacity to seat 300, was purchased at a cost of £4,000. As it is a rule in Christian Science that church edifices are not dedicated until they are free from debt, it was a cause for much rejoicing when the building was dedicated on 8th January 1939.
The new church home served the members and community well for over 50 years. However, maintenance bills began to rise steadily, and when faced with a huge bill to repair the domed roof the members agreed to appoint a committee to investigate all possible options about providing a church building for the future. In June of 1997 the building was vacated, and demolition began, and a new church home built on the existing site. The Cornerstone of the new building was laid during a short ceremony on 17th May 1998, and the services began a week later.
In 2020, when the Church building was required by law to close during the pandemic, church services continued uninterrupted via the wonders of Zoom. Every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services were relayed, with a global outreach, to Christian Scientists and visitors tuning in from as far away as Southern Ireland, Northern Ireland, Yorkshire and even California, USA.
In-church services resumed in November 2021 with our Zoom services continuing to be relayed, now from the Church auditorium. This enabled our Zoom attendees to share every aspect of a full church service, including hymn singing, prayers, and listening to the sermon and readings from the desk.
The Church also has a Reading Room at Ashley Cross, and is very much involved in the local shopkeepers’ community. Until 1956 the RR was in the church building. The shop at 85 Commercial Road was purchased in 1955 for £2,500, and a further £1,800 was spent on redecoration and refurbishment of the sales area. This new Reading Room was opened to the public on August 5th 1956, and all loans associated with the project were repaid by March, 1957.
In 1973 the members voted to update and remodel the Reading Room, and while the work was carried out, at a cost of almost £4,000, the Reading Room was temporarily relocated in the church.
In 2016 a Reading Room manager was employed to expand the Reading Room outreach in the community, with the intention of enabling the Reading Room to be open for longer hours.
Interior refurbishments of the Reading Room take place from time to time to keep the sales and study areas fresh, modern and welcoming.
If you would like to make a donation, a credit card option is available; or if you’d prefer to donate by cheque or BACs please contact the Treasurer for details.
Copyright 2024 First Church of Christ, Scientist, Poole. All rights reserved.
This website was lovingly designed by Margaret Perry Designs and provided by the Joint Christian Science Reading Room UK.